
Hello! I made this script to demonstrate what an ETL process looks like using my local PostgreSQL database, Python, some SQL and a schema with sample data from a DVD rental store. I’d say this is a look into days gone by with what used to be the main form of media in the world.

Otherwise, this is still a work in progress, so anyone looking at this, expect this to see some more polish in the future regarding the code and visualizations. There’s also a bunch of code, so please bear with me and as always, thanks!


Import libaries

import psycopg2
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

Establish a connection with the database

connection = psycopg2.connect(

Extracting the Data

Query the database using SQL and read into a Pandas dataframe:

query = "WITH rental_data as (
                SELECT concat(first_name, ' ', last_name) as name, 
                CASE WHEN active = 1 THEN 'Active' ELSE 'Inactive' END AS active, 
                email, address, city, country, phone, rental_date, return_date, 
                amount, rental_duration, rental_rate, replacement_cost, title as film_title, 
                release_year, length as length_mins, rating, name as language 
                    FROM rental as rent 
                        JOIN customer as cust on cust.customer_id = rent.customer_id 
                        JOIN inventory as items on items.inventory_id = rent.inventory_id 
                        JOIN film on film.film_id = items.film_id 
                        JOIN payment as pay on pay.rental_id = rent.rental_id 
                        JOIN address as addy on addy.address_id = cust.address_id 
                        JOIN city on city.city_id = addy.city_id 
                        JOIN country on country.country_id = city.country_id 
                        JOIN language on language.language_id = film.language_id
        SELECT * 
        FROM rental_data 
        WHERE (active = 'Active' AND country = 'United States');"

# Call to turn raw SQL into a Pandas Dataframe         
df = pd.read_sql(query, connection)


I’ll check for NAs and list the columns I’m working with for any inconsistencies


Then, I’ll use a string replace call to make the domains something less lame..

# Replace email string 
df['email'] = df['email'].str.replace("", "")

Some exploratory calls:

Who rented R rated movies?

R_Renters = df[df['rating'].str.contains("R")]['name'].unique()
names_df = pd.DataFrame(R_Renters, columns=['name'])

Which movie was most rented?


Next, I want to format some of the columns numerically so that I can use that data to make some charts. So to start with, I’ll get the means of the columns of interest so that I can see what some of that data looks like.

# Means for numeric columns 
dfmeans = pd.DataFrame(df.loc[:,['length_mins', 'amount', 'rental_duration', 'rental_rate', 'replacement_cost']]

dfmeans.columns =['means']

Now, I’m going to use group by, along with an agg (aggregation) call that mirrors the same functionality in R-dpylr’s summarise

# Summarise the above cell, but for the other columns in the dataset, and then assign it to an object 

summarized = df.groupby('name').agg(
    mean_length=('length_mins', 'mean'),
    mean_rental_duration=('rental_duration', 'mean'),
    mean_rental_rate=('rental_rate', 'mean'),
    replace_cost_mean=('replacement_cost', 'mean'),
    num_person_rented_film=('name', 'count'),
    sum_amount=('amount', 'sum')

emails = df['email'].unique()
sorted_emails = np.sort(emails)
emails_df = pd.DataFrame(sorted_emails, columns=['email'])

Next, I’ll do a concat call to merge the names and emails with the numbers in the data so that we have people we can attribute the numbers to:

#Merge Data
summarized = pd.concat([summarized, emails_df], axis=1, ignore_index=True)

#Rename columns 
summarized = summarized[[0, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]].rename(columns={
    0: 'name', 
    7: 'email', 
    1: 'mean_length', 
    2: 'mean_rental_duration', 
    3: 'mean_rental_rate', 
    4: 'replace_cost_mean', 
    5: 'num_person_rented_film', 
    6: 'sum_amount'

#Print and check for errors 

Some Visuals

With the needed data summarized, I’m going to make a few plots to display what the data looks like based on some questions I had and previous observations.

Scatter Plot:

plt.scatter(summarized['mean_length'], summarized['mean_rental_duration'])
plt.title('Mean Length vs Mean Rental Duration')
plt.xlabel('Mean Length')
plt.ylabel('Mean Rental Duration')



# Round numbers 
summarized.iloc[:, [2,3,4,5,6,7]] = summarized.iloc[:, [2,3,4,5,6,7]].round(1)

data = summarized[['mean_length', 'mean_rental_duration', 'mean_rental_rate', 
                  'replace_cost_mean', 'num_person_rented_film', 'sum_amount']]

# Enhanced Heatmap
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10))
sns.heatmap(data.corr(), annot=True, cmap='coolwarm', fmt=".1f", 
            linewidths=0.5, linecolor='white', cbar_kws={"shrink": 0.75},
            annot_kws={"size": 12, "color": 'black'}, vmin=-1, vmax=1)

# Adjust the size of annotations for better readability
plt.title('Correlation Heatmap', fontsize=16)


Bar Chart:

top_10 = summarized.nlargest(10, 'sum_amount')['name'], top_10['sum_amount'])
plt.title('Top 10 Names based on Sum Amount')
plt.ylabel('Sum Amount')



plt.title('Distribution of Mean Length')
plt.xlabel('Mean Length')


Box Plot:

plt.title('Boxplot of Mean Length')



Lastly, now that the visualizations are out of the way, I’m going to load the dataframes that I sourced from the original tables in my SQL database, back into that same database as different tables using the SQLAlchemy library.

Create a temporary table in PostgreSQL from the DataFrame:

engine = create_engine('postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:localhost@localhost:5432/dvdrental')

Create the tables in the dvdrental database using the existing dataframes with transformed data

df.to_sql('rental_data', engine, if_exists='replace', index = False)
summarized.to_sql('rental_temp', engine, if_exists='replace', index = False)

#Close connection: 


In short, that was ETL in a nutshell using Python! Thank you for reading.